Enroll in a good puppy/dog training program. Watch the FREE workshop video then YOU decide if it will be helpful to you. Click on the picture. We would love to hear your thoughts if you purchase it.
Fawn Pugs. Born 2/17 See them here
2 year old REGGIE - male Pug. See him here

One Year Health Guarantee and Contracts
Owner: Alvin Brenneman
Health Guarantee
This agreement is between the buyer: _______________________________ and seller:
Alvin Brenneman, owner of Howling Hill Kennels L.L.C.
I understand that the Pug or Boston Terrier puppy I have purchased has not had a professional vet check. I agree to have a professional vet check done within 7 days after purchase. If a genetic problem is noted by the vet I may return the puppy for a replacement, or return the puppy for a full refund , or be reimbursed for vet bills, up to the purchase price of the dog. Neither Howling Hill Kennels, LLC nor Alvin Brenneman will be responsible for any vet charges over the price paid for the puppy. This guarantee does not cover any issues other than those that are genetic. I further understand that I must supply a detailed vet report along with the original receipt of purchase, to receive any form of refund. Due to the normal make-up of these breeds having small nostrils, our guarantee does not cover stenotic nares surgery. This guarantee is valid till the dog reaches 1 year of age. Problems which occur after 12 months of age, which may be considered as genetic are no longer under guarantee and will not receive a refund.
Return Contract
Concerning any dog, regardless of age, sold at Howling Hill Kennels, LLC.
If your situation changes and you are no longer able to care for the dog you purchased from HHK, you agree to contact Alvin or Emma Brenneman immediately. You will be required to obtain proof of a recent health check, within 1 week of the request to re-home, along with proof of spay/neuter procedure. All worming and shots, including rabies, are required to be up to date. This paperwork must be mailed or emailed to howlinghillkennels@ymail.com. We will work as quickly as possible to find a new home for your dog. If we are unable to find that new home in your allotted time, you will agree to have the dog returned to us. You, the current owner/caregiver, will assume responsibility to pay all expenses for vet check and returning, whether to another family or to HHK.
On the other hand, if you should have a trust-worthy friend or family member that is willing and able to take your dog and continue giving him a safe and loving home, we welcome you to transfer your care to them since the dog will very likely already be familiar with this party.
Taking a new puppy or an adult dog into your home is a serious commitment. You are asked to make a rational decision as to whether you are able to provide the time and financial needs to give this dog a loving home and care for him/her the duration of its life.
I agree to NEVER give this dog up to a shelter or rescue if I am unable to continue care for him/her. Signed: _________________________________________________________
Spay/ Neuter Contract
I agree to have the newly purchased puppy spayed or neutered around six months of age (whenever your vet recommends) or within two months of sale of any HHK adults.
The Brenneman family is proud to offer to you a pet that you will love and cherish. Our desire is that you will share many years with your new puppy/dog. He/she will be your best friend. We have confidence that you will provide well for his emotional and physical needs and in return be his/her best friend.
Signed Alvin Brenneman